Traditional Sports

Engrang (Stilts) Traditional Sports

Traditional games use bamboo of a certain size as a means of competing for speed by traveling a predetermined distance. Engrang games are carried out by children, teenagers, and adults to fill free time, play, and improve motor skills. The benefits that will be felt by the players of this game are excitement, quality of fitness, and socializing. The tool is made of a pair of round bamboo, each bamboo has a length of + 2.75 m and a diameter between 6 to 9 cm. At a size of 50 cm from the bottom, made a flat footrest.

This traditional game of stilts is often played on grass fields, in stadiums, or on plains. The most important thing is that the condition of the field used for the competition is flat and wide. The number of paths is made according to the condition of the area size used. To make this game more lively, it is recommended that a minimum of three lanes be used. If it can be made more than that, it will be better and more festive. Each track has a width of 1 to 1.5 meters and a length of 50 meters.

The winner in this traditional stilt sports game is determined based on the speed of time, meaning that the participant who can reach the finish line is the winner. Competitions at the Regency/City, Province, and national levels for the number of participants in one team are 3 (three) people. The games are carried out alternately (relay) in the first 50 meters so that the total number in this game can do a distance of 150 (one hundred and fifty) meters. Game requirements at the regional and national levels:

  • Stilt participants consist of 3 players;
  • Participants must wear team uniforms and each team is required to wear a back number from 1 to 3;
  • Participants are allowed to bring their equipment provided that they use bamboo materials with a maximum height of 2.75 m. The foot support distance from the lowest bamboo is 50 cm, while the diameter of the bamboo is between 6 to 9 (not less);
  • Start behind the line and the participant's position is still at the bottom (not up yet);
  • Walk according to their respective trajectories;
  • Each person in a team must cover a distance of 50 m, so the total distance traveled for each team is 150 m.
  • Before substitution, players and their stilts must all cross the finish line;
  • The next player waiting outside the line is not allowed to enter the competition arena;
  • Declared as Winner if the third player crosses the finish line first;
  • Disqualified if:
  • Stilts touch the track line;
  • if the participant's feet touch the ground (the participant falls);
  • Stilts do not meet the size as stipulated in the requirements;
  • The substitution is made before crossing the boundary line.

Bujaka - Aplikasi Budaya Jakarta

Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 40-41 Lt. 11 dan 12
Kelurahan Kuningan Timur, Kecamatan Setiabudi
Jakarta Selatan
DKI Jakarta, 12950
(021) 252-3164