
Piara Penganten: The Way to Take Care of The Bride Towards A Wedding Reception

In the Betawi wedding tradition, it is rare to find a reception held in a rent building. The Betawi people prefer to hold wedding receptions at home. The reason is, if expressed in Betawi, it reads “Biar lebih puas, biar tamu yang datang bisa berlama-lama, biar bisa pada ngobrol dengan tamu-tamu yang jarang ketemu,". Means, "To be more satisfied, so that guests who come can linger and chat with guests who rarely meet,".

Therefore, for the prospective bride there are customs that must be carried out, namely piara penganten (looking after the prospective bride). Meanwhile, for the prospective groom, there is no special ritual in the customs of the piara penganten.

Usually the prospective bride is prohibited from consuming delicious foods (mutih). She would try to eat only bland food, no salt, no soy sauce, no sweetness, and even no vegetables. The Betawi people believe, by doing this the bride will not be weak on the day of the wedding reception. Once breaking, the bride and groom will be sweaty on the day of the event. In addition, usually the bride is not allowed to leave the house a week before the day of the event.

This activity is carried out to maintain stamina on the day of the wedding reception. During the three days before the day, the bride is asked to drink the herbal medicine that has been recited with a prayer. During the two days leading up to the day, body treatments are carried out, by using a fragrant scrub.

Usually there are certain people who have a profession as traditional bridal nurse. The bride does not only be cared for, but also there are certain prayers said by the traditional bridal nurse. During the treatment, the bridal nurse will boil water mixed with pandanus leaves until the water is boiled. After that the water will be poured into a pot. Later, the bride will sit in a chair facing the pot naked and covered with pandanus mats while stirring the pot using a spoon. The steam from the hot water will come out, so that it triggers sweat to come out of the body of the prospective bride.

If the water is no longer hot and the sweat has come out a lot, the treatment process is almost complete. The last the prospective bride is bathed in flower water while the traditional bride nurse recites another prayer.

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